Hair Extensions
To set up a consultation please contact The Beauty Factory directly:
Reintroduce yourself with DreamCatchers Hair Extensions from The Beauty Factory
The Beauty Factory is proud to offer DreamCatchers Hair Extensions to clients that desire volume, length for a special event, or variation within your everyday hairstyle. The secret to these gorgeous extensions is in the luxurious quality of hair offered to you by DreamCatchers using only 100% human hair. Available in over 30 beautiful colors, and 4 different textures, there is certainly something for everyone.
How are they applied?
DreamCatchers Extensions are attached to your hair using special micro-bead technology. Micro-Beads are custom blended to your natural hair. No heat, glues, sewing or braiding necessary.
How long do they last? What type of maintenance is involved?
In salon adjustments are very important! As your hair grows, the cylinders attaching the Dream Catchers Extensions will move further away from your scalp along with your own hair. This can increase the traction on your own hair. Therefore, it is necessary for you to return to your certified stylist every 4 to 7 weeks, or as advised by The Beauty Factory. The reason is to have the attachment cylinders returned to or replaced to their original positions. Failure to do this may result in tangling and/or loss of some of your own hair. Following proper maintenance will not only extend the overall life of your DreamCatchers Hair Extensions you've already invested in, it will also help protect the integrity of your natural hair. Many hair extension companies require new hair for each adjustment but with DreamCatchers hair, you may use the same hair over and over again. Which in our opinion, is just another great reason why we choose to offer this wonderful brand to our clients.
What is the average cost?
Depending on the desired look you are trying to achieve will determine the final cost. Prior to your consultation we suggest bringing in a few pictures of desired looks. If changing up your entire look is desired, this requires both volume and length. We encourage you to schedule a consultation in order to find out more specifics.
Daily Care Instructions
Each day you must ease out any tangling around the attachment cylinders. Simply use your fingers as a comb and run them through your Dream Catchers Extensions. If you do not do this knotting can develop, which may cause damage to the Dream Catchers Extensions and to your own hair.
Washing and Styling
You must follow the directions provided to you by The Beauty Factory and use only products approved by your certified stylist in order to prevent damage to the Dream Catchers Extensions and your own hair.
We only stand behind the brands available at The Beauty Factory for at home care.
Please be aware that after receiving extensions you now have twice the amount of hair you might be used to. With that being said, we suggest allowing yourself a set washing & styling schedule. Doing this will allow you to adapt to your new hair easily. DO NOT wash or blow dry your hair upside down as this may cause tangling.
Serious damage may be caused to your Dream Catchers Extensions and to your own hair by chemical treatments at home, or by hairdressers not thoroughly familiar with Dream Catchers. This is because color or perming chemicals may be trapped in the attachment cylinders, where they can continue to affect and possibly damage the Dream Catchers Extensions or your own hair. All chemical treatments of your own hair should be carried out by your extension specialist at The Beauty Factory.
Please be advised hairdressers not familiar with DreamCatchers Extensions may damage it by cutting it too short or by using the incorrect technique. We recommend only your certified DreamCatchers stylist from The Beauty Factory.
Brushing & More
The brush approved by The Beauty Factory acceptable for at home care is The Wet Brush. When brushing the hair avoid dragging (pulling) the cylinder attachments. Remember to initially start by holding the base of your hair with yours hands gently working upwards from bottom to top with your WetBrush.
When swimming it is advisable to braid your Dream Catchers Extensions as this will prevent knotting. Always remember to rinse the chlorine or saltwater out of your Dream Catchers Extensions immediately after swimming and apply a good conditioner or detangling spray.
It is advisable to loosely plait your hair or place in a pony tail or loose braid when sleeping. We suggest sleeping on a smooth silky surface such as a silk pillowcase. DO NOT go to bed with wet hair.